Nothing (well, except for a fresh cut tree) makes a house smell more like Christmas than a pot full of Holiday Wassail to warm your insides after those cold winter days on the mountain! We usually "brew" our first batch on Thanksgiving Day so that the men will have something to warm their insides when they come in from an evening hunt- and continue to make several batches throughout the holiday season. This year I told Grandma I would make a batch and bring up for Thanksgiving- but I couldn't find my recipe! After searching the 'net I thought I had found one that might work- but it just wasn't the same! The first thing I did when I tasted the botched batch was to ask Grandma if she had my original recipe- thankfully she did!

- 1 qt. 14 oz. pineapple juice (sweetened)
- 1 qt. orange juice
- 1/2 c. lemon juice
- 5 tea bags
- 2 1/2 qts. boiling water
- 1 qt. cold water
- 2 c. sugar
- 2 tsp. whole cloves
- 3 cinnamon sticks
Combine fruit juices. Steep tea in boiling water for 15-0 minutes. Remove bags. In saucepan combine remaining ingredients. Boil for 3 minutes. Strain. Just before serving combine fruit juices, tea, and spiced water. (I have also combined these the day before to really bring out the spice.) Bring to simmer and serve warm!