D0 you remember when you were in high school or in college and how
horrible you thought exam week was.... cramming for those test, the stress about doing well (or at least passing in some cases).... worrying if you were going to finish the test in time? I can honestly say :-p that's nothing compared to the boredom of sitting there, WATCHING a room full of students take a test and making sure they don't cheat. You can't talk, you just sit there (or walk around the room) and make sure that they are staying focused... it is really a mindless task and will about drive you to being put into a room with rubber walls. Yes, for all of you non-teachers out there- it is exam week for my students. I feel like I am the one who is being graded based on their
performance (which of course you have those who
excel and those who don't care and those who care but don't preform well on a written test)- then you have to face your principal (think along the lines of the ULTIMATE FATHER/MOTHER FIGURE of your school) and share your results- its worse than bringing home a report card! This father/mother figure is usually someone you admire and they are your BOSS meaning they SIGN YOUR PAY CHECK. So the next time you hear a kid complain about a test... just think about the poor suffering teacher who has to administer it, grade it, post it and tell their boss how well his/her class performed on it.... I salute all of my fellow educators and wish you a happy and successful testing season!
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